

Fields & Weather

Fields & Weather

For Directions to ASA Game and Practice Fields – CLICK HERE

Select field diagrams are available here.

Looking for some turf space because your grass field is closed? CLICK HERE

Inclement Weather Line
If the weather is/has been bad, please call before going to the field – and listen carefully.  All soccer fields use ‘rectangular fields’.  Fields that could be closed are ‘natural grass rectangular fields’.  Sometimes, they will be listed by field name.  Diamond fields are for baseball & softball, not soccer.

• Call Arlington County 703-228-4715
• Call City of Falls Church 703-248-5125 for the Falls Church (”FC”) fields

NOTE:  Arlington’s synthetic turf fields are not closed due to rain, even if all the grass fields in the county are closed.  If a field is closed, no team is to hold any practice or game.

Arlington County policy is that we play all games scheduled on synthetic turf fields regardless of rain. Even if the “Inclement Weather” announcement cancels games because of rain, ASA games on synthetic fields will be played.

* The only exception to this policy is closures due to thunderstorms/lightning.

If the County closes fields for thunderstorms/lightning, the inclement weather number (703-228-4715) will indicate that synthetic fields are closed also.  If the referee cancels games at the field due to lightning, the teams should try to finish the game after a delay and/or play later games if the referee determines it is safe to proceed. The County will provide makeup fields at no cost to the league for games canceled by field closures due to lightning.


Want text notices about Arlington field closures? 

Want text notices about Arlington field closures? 
  • Go to www.rainedout.com.
  • Type in “Arlington Sports” into the blank space for “find your organization.”
  • Click on “Arlington Sports & Recreation” to get to the page where you can sign up, and follow the prompts.



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Office Hours:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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