

Drop-In Soccer Philosophy

Drop-In Soccer Philosophy

1)  The game is the teacher.

Players will learn to play all on their own. By design, no formal coaching will be offered to let the children develop the skills within the game.

2)  The game is for kids.

This program is offered to let children play and they don’t need adults to do that. Adult involvement will be minimal and will focus on safety.  Let the children develop the skills of making their own decisions.

3)  The structure is informal.

Beyond setting up some goals, laying out some cones, and helping to make teams, no formal organization or coaching will be done. The goal is to let the children develop the skill of organizing their own fun.

Drop-In Soccer Details:

  • Players should warm-up on their own.  Late comers will be added to games or formed on new teams.
  • All efforts will be made to have friends play together, however the objective is to play and not have too many on a team.
  • No planned periods of play are defined. If the players decide that a water break is necessary, it should be taken.  The break times should be kept short (1-2 minutes, at most). Don’t forget to bring a water bottle!
  • There are no strict requirements on attire. Shinguards are strongly recommended, cleats are optional, and appropriate clothing for the weather is strongly suggested.
  • There is no set end time.  Players can leave as needed.  Teams will adjust.


  • Players decide if there will be throw-ins, or kick-ins, from the sideline.
  • Players decide if there will be corner kicks – or no corner kicks.
  • Players decide if it is a goal/no goal; in/out; foul/no foul, etc.

You get the idea – these games are for the kids.  Let them organize and be responsible for their own fun.

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Office Hours:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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