

Team Information

Team Information

The primary emphasis on all teams will be player development. Teams of similar ages will train frequently at the same time and on the same fields in order to maximize opportunities for players to gain a range of experience as well as be observed by multiple coaches.

Coaches for the 2024 season are as follows:

Age Groups Boys Girls
2014/2015 Carlos Dubose/ Mo Tayari Amy Anderson/ David Camara
2013 Gerardo Ramirez Alexis Koppius/ Chris Smith
2012 Javi Oliva/ Ben Wengi Mo Tayari/ Alexis Koppius
2011 Said Mahious/ German Peri Carlos Parra
2010 Khaled Hammami/ Mohammed Bennani TJ White
2009 Mohammed Bennani/ Khaled Hammami Grant Smith


For specific team coaches please click here!

NOTE: The Super Y League age groups for the 2024 season reflect the players age groups for the 2023-2024 regular season, e.g. a player born in 2012 will be in the U12 age group for Super Y, not U11. Your player will automatically be placed in the proper age group based on the birth year you enter at registration.

Training/Game Schedules and Locations

Teams will train two nights a week on Arlington area fields beginning in mid-late June through the end of the season in early August. The complete practice schedule will not be available until mid-late May.

Games will begin in mid-late June and end by mid-August. The regular season will consist of 8-10 matches depending on the division and the age group. The game schedule will not be available until late May and will be communicated once it is finalized. 

Game schedules vary every year so if you have a returning player please be aware that the 2023 schedule may not reflect the same number of games or timing as prior years.

North American Finals
For age groups 2009 (U15) and older, the total point leader within the division, as well as the appropriate number of bid allocations per division, will culminate the season with the Super Y League North American Finals in mid-December in Florida. Teams that receive a bid are REQUIRED to attend.

Super Y Links

Super Y Calendar

Super Y



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Office Hours:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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